
"The stars and moon are always there; no matter where we stray, they'll follow."

template made by poohsources


.   ..   BASICS. full name . Genevieve Dupont
. also known as . Gene, Eve
. age . 46
. gender . Female
. pronouns . She/her
. orientation . Pansexual
. occupation . Medic
. race . Elf | et'Vixe
.   ..   BACKGROUND. birthplace . Ardenais
. current home . Manaan Port
. language(s) . Common, Fael
. parents . Elaine, Edmond
. siblings . N/a
. other family members . Too many
. significant other . Ignace Sanson
. children . N/a
. pets . Cat, Purrl.

.   ..   APPEARANCE. hair . Silver, waist-length
. eyes . Light purple
. height . 5'10
. build . 80 KG, Endomorph
. dominant hand . Right
. scars . Chest - blade
. tattoo . N/a
. piercings . N/a
. other remarkable features . freckles, birthmarks, etc.


Genevieve is many things. As she finds herself with abilities that has altered the way she interacts with the world and the way she perceives it, her actions with people and how she treats them has changed alongside her own personal growth. While Genevieve could never be called an evil person naturally, it would still be easy to mistake her as evil if one were to see her in certain moments. Instead, a gnawing curiousity has taken over her, and she finds herself able to push boundaries that not many people are capable of doing. She recognises that she is capable of doing so much more. It is the driving factor of a lot of her actions; even if it may lack sense in the moment.Nonetheless, she would fancy herself as a kindhearted person; she has good intentions, but the path she may forcibly carve may not be the most innocently-made roads. Befriend her, and you will have a doting, loyal friend. Betray or tick her off, and you'd face an icy wrath.A passive about Genevieve is that the air around her feels cold; and she is cold to the touch. In recent days, she has taken to wearing dainty lace gloves.


Genevieve lost her parents at a young age, even for elves. She relied on her grandmother, and when she left too, Genevieve was distraught. She spiralled for a few years, and became a recluse. She studied medical books religiously, trying to find out what happened to her grandmother - but she came up short. Her grandmother died somewhere past her 140 years, but nowhere close to 180 - and this bothered her.Genevieve was once a dancer, years after her Grandmother passed. She and her grandmother used to dance underneath the stars, and when she started getting out of the house, that brought her joy. Another small fact about her was that her Grandmother was some form of nobility, but on a small island, it more or less translated to a village chief. Genevieve rejected the title and the responsibility that came with it once her grandmother passed.In recent years, Genevieve has had fainting spells, and as did her grandmother. She worries about it, truthfully, but she will always put on a smile and wave it away as there’s no explanation for it.Genevieve suffers from habits such as that, though she is prone to panicking and crying when she’s alone or unintentionally with people she trusts. Mentally, she’s fine overall, but she has moments where she shuts herself inside her house once again and will not come out for periods of time. She tries to make light of her problems, and will suffer in private.


.Ignace Sanson. | Engaged - "Like the stars to the night sky, I could not imagine being seen without you. I cannot wait to start our official life together, mon amour; but know that no matter what happens, I will be there. In flesh or spirit."

.Nerseadin. | Bodyguard - "Though many would have let you go by now, I still see use of you; but most of all, I appreciate the company. Plus, you're easy on the eyes. I hope you will find a way to prove your worth in my gold."

.Bell. | Admiral - "A man so young in a position of power is fascinating to watch. It is a shame that you are human, Bell; I think Manaan Port will thrive under your protection. If only your lifespan would allow it to be far longer."

.character name. | title - ""